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Why it is important to use healing herbs?

Modern life is full of stress, pollution of air and water, food is grown with chemicals, and list can go on.

Non really with 100% accuracy can answer question when first human appeared on Earth, there are lots of theories and then lots of doubts. Even 100 years ago our environment and food were cleaner than now. Although human organist manages to survive in this modern world but often with difficulty

That is why implementing healing herbs which can support body’s metabolism of harmful substances and stress hormones, can be logical in our brave modern world. If our ancestors used herbs why we do not?

Herbs produce healing compounds.

Medicinal herbs make for their own use huge number of different substances and that helps them to survive and flourish. They make those substances to scare or poison invaders, fungi, bacteria and herbivore animals. That is how herbalism evolved, people of the past noticed that herbs have some special properties and used those properties for supporting their health.

Every herbs is unique.

There are herbs which can help digestions, ginger is one of them. Reduce fever, willow bark and meadowsweet are traditional herbs which were used for reducing inflammation. To calm down burning mind North American Indians used skullcap and Europeans use motherwort.

People of the past times knew more about herbs.

Many wines, elixirs, teas, herbal powders and ointments were prepared with healing herbs and later in cold winter times helped to sustain good health.

Prevent OR Cure? Learn OR Not?

Prevention is much better than cure and suffering. Although there are lots of nutraceutical supplements availible now for self-prescribers, not all of them are natural and it is not best idea to throw in the body vitamins and minerals without deep understanding.

It is worth learning about medicinal herbs and return to herbal roots of our ancestors. Even a simple chamomile or peppermint tea a day can become a good support and preventive step towards good health.

Please visit our internet shop, if would like to find some herbal remedies for your health.

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